Complete disjunctive questions (Закончи разделительные вопросы).
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 There are a lot of good museums in Moscow, …?
There are a lot of good museums in Moscow, …?
Варианты ответов:
  • are there
  • there aren’t
  • aren’t there
Lena is a theatregoer, …?
Lena is a theatregoer, …?
Варианты ответов:
  • is she
  • isn’t she
  • isn’t he
I am right, …?
I am right, …?
Варианты ответов:
  • amn’t I
  • aren’t I
  • are I
I have got many hobbies, …?
I have got many hobbies, …?
Варианты ответов:
  • have I
  • hasn’t I
  • haven’t I
They can’t find her address, …?
They can’t find her address, …?
Варианты ответов:
  • can't they
  • they can
  • can they
We must leave for the theatre at 6, …?
We must leave for the theatre at 6, …?
Варианты ответов:
  • mustn’t we
  • must we
  • we mustn’t
You were at the circus yesterday, …?
You were at the circus yesterday, …?
Варианты ответов:
  • wasn’t you
  • were you
  • weren’t you
You liked the trained animals, …?
You liked the trained animals, …?
Варианты ответов:
  • don’t you
  • doesn’t you
  • didn’t you
You didn’t enjoy the clown, …?
You didn’t enjoy the clown, …?
Варианты ответов:
  • didn’t you
  • you did
  • did you
Your sister collects coins, …?
Your sister collects coins, …?
Варианты ответов:
  • don’t she
  • doesn't she
  • didn't she

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